Who let me A D U L T?
The Journey of Becoming 18 | Life lessons and all.
This picture sums it all up!
Though this picture brings about laughter- turning 18, just a few weeks ago, brought about a time of sadness and reflection. I was sad because I thought of all the people who are not with me to celebrate. Some who were younger than me and lived life only in their youth -while others who were well beyond their years and gained much wisdom but still left too soon. Though filled with sadness, I am also filled with joy and honor. I know that it is an immense pleasure to have lived 18 years and for that I am truly grateful.
Here are The Top 3 Lessons I've Learned
1. Friendship is Important
As mentioned earlier I had a time of reflection. I try to do that often, but this week it just came naturally. After celebrating with Ana and Rebeckah, not only my life- but our lives as friends, I read their heartfelt cards and notes around 2 a.m as I laid in bed. Encouraging words are oh so needed and I always seem to receive them at the perfect time. I thought of how grateful I am to have the friends that I have, not just Ana and Rebeckah, but all the friends that I have yet to mention. Friends that have impacted me in ways that they may never know. Friends that I have known for my entire life and others that I have only known for a few years or even months- have all blessed my life. I am thankful for having a diverse variety of friends to balance out my life. One truth that I have come to realize is that friendship isn't always a long term thing. Some friends are only meant to be apart of your life for a season while others are for a lifetime, but they both are a necessity!
2. There Are No Accidents
I pondered on how all the the things in my life worked out for the best. When I think of the worst of things and the good, I know that God is in control! That brings me to think of Romans 8:28:
"And we know that all things work together for good to
those who love God..."
One thing that I have realized is that even the small things matter in the long run. Things that may seem to have no effect on your life, often do- that goes for people as well.
3. Life is Short so Take Every Moment Captive
LIFE IS SOOOO SHORT! Its one of those truths that we seem to know but not realize. When someone says a phrase like life is short , we all go ..."Yeah, tomorrow isn't promised" But then we go and live like we have forever. I don't mean we should go jump off every cliff we see or live carelessly-but instead take risk, creating memories, a living out the purpose God has given you. The bible warns us so many times, here are a few of many examples :
Psalm 144:4, James 4:13-17, Psalm 90:12, Psalm 102:3, Psalm 39:4, Ecc. 1:4
Even the world knows with phrases like Y.O.L.O.
I hope you realize that you never know what sec, minute, hour, day, month, or year- may be your last, so start living like it. Its crazy how when someone close to us dies we start to truly see this. But why wait for death to remind you or bad circumstances, start realizing even in the good moments -it will help you to truly start living.
Here are some quotes that helped me through my journey |
Picture Quotes via Pinterest