What is my college M A J O R?
As a college student, do you ever wonder or ask yourself what you will major in, or if you are studying for the right one?

Well let me tell you that I am one of those thoughtful and anxious people as well, who just wants
to figure out life as soon as possible. But there are some things that I have become aware of that may help you on your journey when deciding on what you want to major in.
First of all, be at ease with yourself, in other words, chill out.
There is no need for stressing, especially if it's your first year. There are many new things that you will learn and get different aspects about, that you will eventually see where your interest are.
The first step when wanting to get a general idea of what you are interested in is to get out and be involved. Talk to people, get to know about the outside world, and just ask lots of questions. Be around people who are experienced and vulnerable of guiding you on the paths you are interested on.
For my experiences, talking to upperclassmen has helped me gain a general idea of what I want to do by taking the chance of asking them about classes they are taking and why they chose to focus on a certain profession. Let them guide you, they have been there, and soon you will be too. Don't shy out of a great opportunity of talking to more experienced peers, whom are more than willing to guide you through.
I don't know what your career focus is or if you are still undecided, but all you need to know is that at the bottom line, you will eventually find out what your passion is. Life is about looking for that passion, and it's not easy for some, but that is what makes life more adventurous and exciting. Take chances, learn from you past, better yourself for your future, and make an impact on someone's life. That is what we live for.
God bless.